Certification and Accreditation Institution

European Technical Assessment (ETA)

The European Technical Assessment (ETA) provides an independent Europe-wide procedure for assessing the essential performance characteristics of non-standard construction products.

The ETA offers manufacturers a voluntary route to CE marking, when the product is not or not fully covered by a harmonised standard (hEN) under the Construction Products Regulation (EU) 305/2011.

CE marking based on the ETA allows manufacturers to freely market their product on the entire European internal market and introduce innovative products and new product features with short lead times. The ETA procedure offers an array of further advantages:

-A recognition that goes beyond Europe

ETAs are recognised throughout Europe in all countries participating in the ETA procedure. The ETA also has a high international standing.

-Objectivity and independence

Only independent Technical Assessment Bodies (TABs) may issue ETAs. The independent assessment strenghtens the crediblility of the product performance information, enhances market transparency and builds customer trust.

-Free circulation

ETAs are a relevant tool to promote free circulation of construction products.

-Short times-to-market

The ETA route is an efficient procedure ensuring the shortest possible processing time.


ETAs provide reliable product performance information that is comparable across Europe based on harmonised technical specifications, the European Assessment Documents (EADs).

-CE marking improves sales

The ETA procedure allows manufacturers to affix the CE marking to construction products for which no harmonised standard exists. With the ETA, the product can be traded freely on the European internal market.